I had some trouble figuring out how, with GoDaddy, to map the subdomain jesse.forthewin.com to my TypePad blog. To complicate things further, I was moving it from WordPress (mostly because Wordpress-hosted blogs can't use Apture). There don't seem to be any decent guides out there so here's how I did it.
Your Domain Manager should like this:
If your domain has been sitting parked, Total DNS should already be available to you. Since I was coming from WordPress, my first obstacle was to activate Total DNS on the domain. If your nameservers are anything other than the GoDaddy DOMAINCONTROL, you won't have access to Total DNS. To fix that, click on the Manage link under the Nameservers section of the Domain Manager. When you do, this box should pop up:
Select the first option: I want to park my domains. Click OK. It might take a few minutes to update, but when it does, your nameservers will be set to DOMAINCONTROL, and your Total DNS info will appear, with a link to Total DNS Control.
Note: It could take up to 48 hours for DNS to propagate. I find that translate.google.com updates a lot faster than most ISPs so having it translate the site at the domain you just updated the nameservers for might give you a glimpse into the future. Like so:
Under Total DNS, click Total DNS Control.
Click Add New CNAME Record.
CNAME Alias is going to be whatever comes before the actual domain. In jesse.forthewin.com, the alias is jesse; In www.forthewin.com, the alias is www (following . not necessary). Host Name is going to be your TypePad blog. Unless you have a reason not to, set TTL to 1/2 Hour.
You'll notice that I have 2 blogs set up. One at jesse.forthewin.com, and another at www.forthewin.com. I'd like for users who target http://forthewin.com, rather than www.forthewin.com, to be redirected to www.forthewin.com. To do this, I had to set up domain forwarding.
If you've already got forwarding set up on the domain, click the Manage link under the Forwarding section in the Domain Manager. If you don't have forwarding set up, you'll see an Add link instead.
The settings I've entered above will have http://forthewin.com forwarding to http://www.forthewin.com, where my 2nd blog is.
If you're reading this, you probably already know how to set up a subdomain on your GoDaddy account, but in case you don't...
If you don't have an existing subdomain, you'll have an Add link instead of Manage. Click what you've got and get this:
Set the subdomain and forwarding. By entering jesse.forthewin.com for the jesse subdomain on forthewin.com, when people hit it, that's where they'll stay.
That's it. If you've got any questions, just ask!